Concerns raised over confusing road signs at Lauder Bridge

Bridge on the B6362 approach to Lauder.Bridge on the B6362 approach to Lauder.
Bridge on the B6362 approach to Lauder.
Drivers are warning that a single-lane bridge near Lauder is an accident waiting to happen.

Concerned residents say there have been a number of near misses on the B6362 Eagles Bridge, which crosses the Leader Water on the approach to the town, in recent weeks.

Speaking at Monday night’s meeting of Lauderdale Community Council, Stephen Potts said: “Issues have been raised by members of the public about the Eagles Bridge entrance. They think it’s an accident waiting to happen, and having driven over it a few times, I think they might be right.”

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Mr Potts said he had been surprised by the amount of traffic, and the number of skid marks on the bridge when he had crossed it earlier that evening.

“It’s narrow, it’s on a bend and it’s obscured by trees,” he said. “The signs say ‘oncoming vehicles in middle of the road’, but there’s no indication of who should give way. Vehicles coming down the hill are going too fast.”

Alistair Smith said: “It would improve quite a lot if the vegetation was cut back. You can’t see across to make the judgement.”

The meeting heard that the signage had been installed a few years ago after similar concerns were raised, but Mr Potts asked if give way markings should be added. He will visit the site with Scottish Borders Councillors and members of the roads department to see if improvements can be made.